Avada Interior Design

My work spans investigative journalism, feature writing, and editorial strategy, with a commitment to truth and integrity in every piece. On this website you will find a small selection of my articles.

Explore a curated selection of my published work,
featuring topics like social justice, technology,
and cultural change.

1809, 2016

Kein Recht auf digitale Teilhabe in vielen Ländern –

Die große Freiheit des Netzes ist in vielen Regionen der Welt nur eine Täuschung. Insbesondere in arabischen Ländern, den Nachbarländern Russlands und Subsahara-Afrika markierte das Jahr 2015 ein Tiefpunkt für demokratische Entwicklung und bürgerliche Freiheiten. Beitrag aus einem Dossier der Heinrich Böll Stiftung.

Wie passt das zusammen? Mehr als zwei Milliarden […]

709, 2016

No Right for Digital Participation in Many Regions of the World

In many regions of the world the freedom of the Internet is just an illusion. Especially in Arab countries, the neighbouring states of Russia and Subsahara-Africa the year 2015 marked the lowest point for democratic participation and civil liberties. This article is part […]

708, 2016

THINK BIG(ger) and Act Digital! – How Media in Africa Could Foster Development

Imagine a no-name land anywhere in Africa where women and men are heavily persecuted by maroding (?) violating extremists.  Nothing extraordinary, only a very realistic example of how human rights are violated and neglected.

On 14th of March 2014, Boko Haram gunmen attacked the Giwa military barracks in the 500.000-people city […]

708, 2016

The New Battle of Information – How Media Are Weaponized in Asymmetric Wars

New players are keeping world politics on edge. They question our political order, they operate in a networked manner and across borders – and they are using information and the Internet’s dissemination channels as a weapon. Both in ISIS’s digital jihad and in the hybrid war being carried out by […]

708, 2016

Developing Media, Strengthen Human Rights – Why Media Development Is a Key Question for Development and Democratization

First of all a good message for journalists as well as their clients: There are more people nowadays that use information. There are more producers, more information offers. In short: Information influence on a whole different scale than 50 years ago  the social, economic and political development of entire regions […]

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